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The term Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) refers to a complex of symptoms which are essentially caused by hormone deficiency following the menopause incoming.

GSM is chronic and progressive and, if untreated, interferes with the quality of life of affected women. It is estimated that one in two menopausal women are affected by this complex of life-quality-impairing disorders such as vaginal dryness, burning, paraesthesia, restricted capacity for sexual pleasure due to decreased lubrication or even pain during intercourse, as well as urinary urgency, dysuria and repeated bladder infections.

As described for the vulvovaginal atrophy, the Juliet treatment is able to restore the original metabolism of connective tissue and improve the state of the mucosa, by stimulating a process of neocollagenesis. This leads an attenuation of the symptoms which can be observed immediately after the first treatment. The inner mucosa regain elasticity and lubrication, gaining thickness and softness; itching, irritation and pain during intercourse disappear. This action continues its beneficial effect even after the treatment is finished and, for this reason, many women report further improvements during the first month post-treatment.
