Innovative laser treatments
A woman goes through different stages in her life, from her first period over childbirth to menopause. Entering new stages also means making new or different experiences regarding her intimacy and sexuality and this can be also associated with a variety of vaginal conditions. Especially after vaginal childbirth or during the menopause, women often experience a change in the intimate area and vaginal environment, which often goes hand in hand with daily discomfort. This may strongly affect the quality of life of a woman, both physically, psychologically as well as sexually.
The Juliet laser treatment is the natural solution for women of all ages who don't feel comfortable with their own vaginal health anymore. Re-discover the feeling of well-being in your own skin!
Not feeling well in your own skin and experiencing unpleasent symptons such as genital itching, irritation, poor vaginal lubrication, vaginal dryness and even pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) is making a lot of women ucomfortable. Although these symptoms are very common in women of different ages, those being affected do not like to talk aboit their discomfort, sometimes not even with their gynecologist.
Such conditions tend to worsen over time, that means that they are not temporary and they are not going to disappear if not treated.
Until recently, all these conditions were considered to be a consequence of the inevitable ageing process of the woman, and treatment was undergone only in very rare cases.
Today, we know better: With the Juliet laser treatment, women get now the opportunity to improve their gynecological well-being with a painless, minimally invasive procedure that will help with their discomfort in a fast and safe way.
Enjoy your intimacy!
Juliet represents a minimally invasive, gentle and hormone-free treatment option for all women who do not wish invasive and/or hormone based options.
Vulvovaginal atrophy
Menopausal women experience a variety of symptoms, including vaginal dryness, itching, pain during intercourse, reduced libido and elasticity and vaginal tension. This condition is described as vaginal atrophy.
Pain during intercourse
Pain during intercourse, often called dyspareunia, describes a painful experience during intercourse due to physical changes during the menopause, such as onset of vulvovaginal atrophy or other factors.
Vaginal dryness, burning and itching
Vaginal dryness, burning and itching can have many reasons. It can be caused by hormonal changes, like menopause or after giving birth; it goes hand in hand with symptoms of loss of elasticity and tone.
Stress urinary incontinence
The term Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) refers to the unwanted release of urine during coughing, sneezing or physical exertion. The main cause is related to the reduced stability of the connective tissues.
Loss of elasticity and tone
A common condition, usually associated with vaginal child birth or natural ageing, is the so called loss of elasticity and tone, also described as "Descensus Vaginae" or Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS).
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause
The term Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, shortened with (GSM), is referred to a complex group of symptoms essentially caused by hormone deficiency. A common evolution after menopause.